I know this has nothing to do with furniture; however, I wanted to recommend Best Bet Carpet Systems in the Salt Lake City area. I had Joe stop by a few weeks ago to clean our traffic areas and he did such a wonderful job. Not only did my carpet look brand new, but he managed to get my paint stains out of the carpet! That's right - I had stepped in black paint back in May (working on a
dresser) and thought it would never come out. Joe explained to me that I should never use store-bought carpet cleaner and that I should use his pH balanced carpet cleaner (I had wrecked our carpet with the store bought stuff). I sort of thought he was just trying to sell me something and dismissed his comments but a few days later I found that he had dropped off a new bottle of cleaner on my front porch. You should really give this guy a call if you need to have a problem spot removed. He is extremely friendly and does amazing work.